Herbs during Pregnancy

Herbs can support and ease different stages of pregnancy. Some herbs are trimester specific while others are not recommended to take at all throughout pregnancy. It is always best to consult a trained practitioner when using herbs (including tea). Here is a Naturopathic guide to the actions of some herbs that can be used throughout pregnancy to ease symptoms and support different stages.


This isn’t news to most. The rapidly increasing human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) stimulates the center for nausea control in the brainstem, hence “morning sickness” during the first trimester. The antiemetic action of ginger occurs as it increases gastric tone and motility. Ginger is safe throughout all trimesters of pregnancy.

Ways you can enjoy it:

·      In a cup of tea with your feet up

·      Adding fresh ginger to cooking and fresh juices

·      As a candy see The Ginger People for good quality ginger snacks

·      Holy Mountain ~ Digest Tincture



Constipation is common during the second and third trimester of pregnancy. Dandelion has a gentle diuretic effect and stimulates the liver to produce more bile to promote regular bowel motions. Fatigue and headaches can also be symptomatic of reduced liver function and dandelion may help relieve these.

Ways you can enjoy it:

·      A dandelion root tea: no more than one cup per day

·      Fresh leaves in a salad



Later in pregnancy it is common for women to experience reflux, indigestion and a tightening sensation in the base of the throat. This occurs as the hormone relaxin relaxes all the ligaments and sphincters resulting in gastric juices being able to enter the oesophagus and irritating the lining. Marshmallow coats and soothes the lining with its demulcent action.

Ways you can enjoy it:

·      A cup of tea, put those feet back up mama

·      Orchard Street ~ Belly Drops


Raspberry Leaf

In preparation for labour and birth raspberry leaf helps strengthen and tone the uterus. Traditionally, this has shown to increase relaxation between contractions with even space between contractions and relaxation during labour. Raspberry leaf is recommended later in the second trimester and increased during the third trimester.

Ways you can enjoy it:

·      Raspberry leaf tea:

-       1 cup per day at 26 weeks

-       2 cups per day at 30 weeks

-       3 cups per day at 36 weeks

If you’re experiencing pregnancy symptoms or preparing for birth I would love to help ease and support your journey, make a booking.


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