Phases of the menstrual cycle: the 4 seasons

Most people will look at menstruation (or a period) as the main ‘event’ in a woman’s menstrual cycle. I can see why they think that. We were only ever taught about the period, it sounded something like… “this is how a tampon works.. cramps are normal, take panadol”. We were never taught what happens in between periods. I know personally that I never learnt about ovulation, or cervical fluid, or why we might be outgoing one week and wanting to hibernate in a cave the next.

I like to look at a menstrual cycle a little differently to most. I view each phase of the cycle as an eb & flow of hormones, with these hormonal fluctuations come different emotional & physical characteristics. If we understand the phases of the cycle we can better predict how we may feel at a certain time, and we then have the awareness to plan our work, social and life events to better suit our needs.

There are 4 phases of the menstrual cycle. Each phase mimics a season of the year. I like to teach it this way as not everyone can grasp the biological terms, but also because as humans we are so deeply connected to nature.

The phases as seasons:

  • Winter

  • Spring

  • Summer

  • Autumn

The biological terms for the phases are:

  • Menstruation

  • Follicular phase

  • Ovulation

  • Luteal phase

  1. Winter / Menstruation (period)


  • Hormone levels are at their lowest as bleeding starts

  • Low energy, time to rest

  • Libido may peak – either love or hate sex


  • Withdrawn

  • Calm

  • Inward

  • Can feel unmotivated


2. Spring / Before ovulation (follicular)


  • Oestrogen is increasing – skin glows

  • Boost of serotonin suppresses appetite

  • Energy builds

  • Body feels lighter

  • Increased urge to exercise


  • More outgoing

  • Increased desire to socialise

  • Spontaneous


3. Summer / Ovulation


  • Libido peaks

  • At your most fertile

  • Boost of serotonin suppresses appetite

  • Cervical fluid (discharge) is more copious, stretchy and clear

  • Increased focus & productivity

  • High intensity workouts are good here


  • Confident & outgoing

  • Can cope with a heavier workload & longer days

  • Networking & socialising

  • Pleasure & fun


Autumn / Pre-menstrual


  • Increased appetite & food cravings – start to food prep

  • Body can feel swollen

  • Energy starts to dip


  • Self care needed

  • Crave space (alone time)

  • Desire to declutter/clean/organise

  • Inner critic surfaces


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