6 things I wish every woman knew

As a woman, and a naturopath, these are the messages I wish I could shout from the rooftops, whisper in ears, and pass down to my future daughters. These are the top 6 things that I wish all women knew.  


1)    The oral contraceptive pill will not fix your hormonal issues


It simply covers up your symptoms. The pill is commonly prescribed for conditions such as fibroids, endometriosis, acne, PCOS and irregular or absent cycles. The pill will never resolve these issues; it can only reduce the symptoms until you decide to stop taking it. The pill also depletes valuable nutrients such as B vitamins, magnesium and zinc- all of which are required for our body to run optimally. The side effects of long-term hormonal contraceptive usage are also worth knowing about. Always be completely informed before you choose your method of contraception.



2)    ‘Low calorie intake + high energy output’ is not always the equation for weight loss


Most of us are taught that eating less and moving more is the guaranteed formula for weight loss. This is true a lot the time, but not for everyone. For some, the key to a healthy weight might actually be getting your thyroid, adrenals and hormones in check, as well as managing stress levels. When cortisol (stress hormone) is high or thyroid function is low, it becomes easy to stack on the weight no matter how much you are exercising.


3)    Gut health is everything

Naturopaths often refer to the gut as the ‘second brain’, due to its close relationship with mental health and its connection with the nervous system (think of the “butterflies” you get in your tummy when you’re nervous). Approximately 90% of serotonin is made in the digestive tract. The gut is also home to most of your immune system and has a strong relationship with your hormonal health. Signs of poor gut health are: bloating, constipation, diarrhoea, skin conditions and immune dysfunction.


4)    Coffee does impact your hormones


The truth is that there aren’t many women who can tolerate more than 1 cup of coffee per day without experiencing some level of anxiety, sleep disturbance or bowel change. Coffee depletes magnesium stores and increases the ‘stress hormone’ cortisol. When cortisol production is high it can throw out the balance between oestrogen and progesterone.


5)    Your vagina deserves better


Cotton is one of the most heavily sprayed crops in the world and unfortunately our sanitary items aren’t exempt from being high in pesticides. The mucous membrane of the vagina absorbs everything it comes in contact with (think about how effective medical pessaries are), so it is no doubt it will absorb chemicals from tampons. Choose 100% organic tampons & pads, or use a menstrual cup.



6)    You know your body better than anyone


Your body is trying to communicate with you constantly. Unfortunately, unless you learn to listen to it and interpret its messages you can miss the cries for help. The messages your body sends you come in the form of symptoms. Start thinking deeper about your symptoms; ask yourself  “what does that bloating mean? Why am I getting headaches?”. By regularly tuning in to the signals, you will develop a deeper connection to your body and be more able to prevent disease before it arises. Your health is your most valuable asset; please pay attention to what your body is trying to tell you.




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