Top 5 supplements for pregnancy

Supplementing in pregnancy can be incredibly beneficial at improving health outcomes for mother and baby.

The following list is a naturopaths guide to key supplements for pregnancy. These recommendations are general in nature and an individualised approach should always be taken. Please speak with a health practitioner if you are unsure or need advice.

Key supplements for pregnancy include:

1) Prenatal multivitamin

A high quality pregnancy multivitamin should contain the following:

  • Folate (in activated form such as levomefolic acid, methylfolate, calcium folinate, folinic acid)

  • Choline

  • Iodine

  • Selenium

  • B12

  • Vitamin D

  • Zinc

My recommendation: Prenatal Trimester One, Prenatal Trimester Two & Three

2) DHA

DHA is a omega-3 fatty acid that is important for the development of baby’s brain, eyes, and nervous system.

Research demonstrates that 90% of Australian women don’t meet DHA requirements during pregnancy. This is mostly because it can be hard to eat DHA rich foods every day, therefore supplementation is strongly suggested.

Supplementing with DHA can also reduce the risk of pre-term birth.

My recommendation: UltraClean DHA (third party tested for heavy metals, and environmental contaminants- this should be of highest importance when choosing a fish oil) OR Vegan Omega-3 DHA (made from algae).

3) Probiotic

Benefits to baby:

>Maternal probiotic supplementation throughout pregnancy can reduce the risk of infants developing eczema.

>Probiotics can also positively alter foetal gut health which can have a long-term programming effect on child health.

Benefits to mother:

>Can reduce insulin resistance and reduce the risk of gestational diabetes.

>Positively impacts on maternal gut and digestive health.

>Improves mood and reduces symptoms of depression in the postpartum period.

>Beneficial to the vaginal microbiome and maintaining a balanced microflora.

>Supports immune health.

Key strains to include in a pregnancy probiotic are:

  • Lactobaccilus rhamnosus GG or HN001

  • Bifidobacterium lactis

  • Lactobacillus acidophilus

  • Lactobacillus reuteri

My recommendation: Pregnancy Probiotic 360

4) Magnesium

Supplementing magnesium at 300mg per day during pregnancy is associated with reduction in:


>leg cramps

>low birth weight

>gestational diabetes

>preterm labour

When choosing a supplement- consider which form the magnesium is in. Always pick either a magnesium glycinate, magnesium bisglycinate or magnesium citrate.

My recommendation: liposomal magnesium (liquid) OR magnesium powder.

5) Iron

Iron is commonly deficient in pregnant women. This should be monitored via regular blood testing throughout pregnancy.

Some women do not require additional iron whilst others will need large doses to rectify iron deficiency.

If needed, consider supplementing with iron bisglycinate as it has better absorption and is non-constipating.

My recommendation: Iron + Brain Support (contains additional choline which is fantastic for pregnancy).

Pregnant belly


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